About KiraRou.Kreations
KiraRou.Kreations is a small Art and photography business based in Glasgow, Scotland.
The business provides both art and photography prints and to of course see my work develop over time and watch my skill continue to get better. 
Currently my photography consist of themes such as climate change, nature, vehicles, animals and so on. I personally focus on fine art but I have been recently experimenting with more abstract artworks.

About the artist
My name is Kira and at the moment live in Glasgow, Scotland and I am currently a Fine Art student (HNC level).
It really saddens me when I see the state of either the country side or the cities in terms of rubbish and the negative impact we are giving to the planet. Seeing the state of the country I live in reminds me that many other places in the world actually are far worse for this, That is why i want to make an impact with many of my pieces, I want people to look at my work and actually think about what we are doing to the planet before it is too late. Even if my work makes a small impact to someone viewing it then I have accomplished my goal.
Not to be clique but art has been one of my main passions since childhood, It's the only thing I have ever seen myself doing and this idea of protecting the planet has only grown along side it, till the two of course have clashed letting me able to create art to make an impact. 
Photography is actually quite a more recent passion of mine, only really taking it more seriously in the past 2-3 years roughly. Taking Higher photography in 2020 really got me really into the technical aspect of photography which I of course now use to my advantage in terms of creativity.  
These three passions of mine have really clashed with one another causing a burst of creativity for me as in 2020 for causing art I produced many drawings of cameras from throughout the many years - showing the changes they have went though. I mean think about it back in the day they were all bulky but now we can fit a camera into the palm of a hand. 
Within, In higher photography I produced 8 different shoots highlighting the different ways we are destroying the planet, these shoots all varied from plants growing out of cans to a chocolate bar wrapper reflection giving a sense of contemplation​​​​​​​ on the action of not putting this rubbish in the bin. 
Now in Advanced Higher Art these passions have came together in order to successfully highlight climate change through art while also using photography to my advantage. My advanced Higher art focus' on fungi and how they are the real source of life on earth, this ties back into climate change as fungi is often overlooked and ignored in wildlife but they create life from nothing and death. 
I have been influenced by a documentary titled 'Fantastic fungi', this documentary showcases the many brilliant things about fungi and there influence on the planet, which is huge in comparison to what people believe. 

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